Friday, June 8, 2007

Self Experiment

I've become my own scientific experiment again. Last Friday, after a bit of coffee and a flurry of filing, I joined my husband & son in the kitchen for breakfast on Friday. However, I wasn't able to eat, and quickly decided I needed rest. I pretty much didn't get off the couch again till Monday night for a few hours. I napped periodically and then didn't sleep again at night.

Adam went out and got me some Tylenol PM after three days of dysfunctional sleep & temperamental appetite, and I thought that would help me reestablish a semi-normal sleep/wake routine.

Alas - if only!

I took the Tylenol PM for two nights in a row, to my detriment. Both nights I'd start to feel like I might be slipping off into sleep and then I'd get the jitters. I'd lay there and constantly fight the urge to twitch & wriggle, or get up and run around & flail. The third night, I paused before opening the bottle and asked Adam if he thought it might be directly caused by the Tylenol. He looked at the ingredients & said he recognized one of them as an ingredient in some sleep-aid pills he's looked at before. He then reminded me that sometimes people have the opposite reaction to certain drug chemicals, and suggested that I brew a small pot of caffeinated coffee before bed instead.

I haven't done that yet, but I'm thinking about it now. When I have coffee during the day I do often feel more sluggish afterwards. Psychologically coffee wakes me up, but it could just be because it's a hot drink, so I'm staying alert to drink it w/o burning myself.

So now I become my own experiment. What can I do to encourage my body to get into a normal, healthy sleep pattern? What do I do in the mornings to bolster energy if I'm still sleepy? We'll see what I come up with.


Daily Deliberations said...

Here's what I would do: I'd take the aw-natural (excuse my spelling) approach. I'd try to stick with a sleep schedule (i.e. bed by 11, up by 7) (or whatever works with Simon), refrain from napping during the day (at least long days, so that I'm good and tired by bedtime), and eliminate the Tylenol PM. Not sure about the coffee. Good luck experimenting. Happy dreaming (hopefully).

Daily Deliberations said...

Sorry, I meant to say "Refrain from long naps" (not days) -- darn fingers!