Tuesday, February 26, 2008

College Night

On Monday nights I'm typically rehearsing with our local Chamber Singers choir. It's a fun group, and I enjoy the music. I'm an alto, and I think the alto section is probably the craziest & most fun. Most rehearsal nights we plan "what we're going to do the next week" - and it's typically something pretty silly. St. Patrick's Day we wore green, and the week of Valentine's we all wore red - not too wild. But sometimes it's "band-aid" night and we all have a band-aid somewhere on our faces. Inevitably, on a night such as that, the director will say something about everyone else keeping a distance from the altos "who appear to have all gotten some strange affliction." Silly. One night not too long ago we did "college night" - which, for most of us, meant simply wearing a shirt from our alma mater. I happened to have a little flair left from a basketball game over 2 years ago. Go Calvin!
Calvin, Calvin, sing we all to thee
Our dear alma mater we pledge fidelity
Forever faithful to maroon and gold
Thy name we ever shall uphold!*

*Note of corny family trivia for you: I actually learned this song from my parents (both went to Calvin) and NOT from actually being at Calvin. I'm sure my kids will learn it too - just b/c it's sometimes fun to sing.

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