Simon is at an age where he loves to help...with a fault, at times. As often as safely & feasibly possible, I let him. No one ever got hurt folding laundry, so I let him help me with that pretty much every time. Sometimes it ends up all over the floor, sometimes he hands me one thing at a time to fold, sometimes he attempts to fold it himself & add it to my pile of "done" stuff, and today he helped in a different way.
I did reach down & pretend to fold him up - his arms across his chest & everything - and he just smiled and let me "pose" him. Silly kid.
After a busy day and a nap, Simon was a snuggle puppy. He was very proud to be wearing his new "purple diaper underpants" which are like a cloth version of pull-ups. They're basically a step between regular diapers and the trainers good for later in the potty-training process (wet only). I LOVE moments like this when he's snuggly & happy & calm, because I can't get him to stay on my lap much these days...primarily b/c I don't have much of a lap, but also because he's usually so busy that it's hard to keep him in one place for more than a few seconds. But we had a good long happy snuggle today before dinner. Happy mommy moment for me. :)