I went to see Hillary Clinton on Saturday. It was an outdoor event (somehow I missed THAT fine print & ended up with a very lopsided sunburn) at Central High School, and it was pretty fun.
Michael Sak introduced things, and I remembered him from 7 years ago when he was running for a local office and I was an AmeriCorps member with Creston Neighborhood Association.

We were given signs. Mine's in my car window now.

The crowd, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the main speaker - Hill.

I felt a little out of it a few times b/c it was clear that many (most?) of the people there had been Hillary supporters before Obama became the nominee. I wasn't. I didn't love Hillary compared to Barack, and I certainly didn't vote for her in the primary. But it was high energy on Saturday, lots of hype and suspense, and Hillary really is charming and eloquent.

At one point, she said: "I realize I'm preaching to the choir here." And followed it up with my favorite (and one of the more memorable, for me) lines yet: "Now I need you to go out there and be the choir - go sing this song to your friends & neighbors & everyone you meet." Creative - and inspiring - metaphor.

But now, on to the main event. I just got an email about Barack Obama coming on Thursday - and I aim to be just as close for photo ops there. :) Check back Friday for pictures!
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