Friday, September 12, 2008

President Obama

Barack Obama will be the next President of the USA, thus transforming our country from the bottom-up and the top-down as well as transforming the world. How's that for a thesis? Except this won't be an essay. Just an incomplete list of reasons (outside of issues) why I'll vote for Barack Hussein Obama in November:

1. Our global image - "President Obama" sounds like a name from another place. I know that the USA is a diverse country, but looking at our nation's leaders you wouldn't know it. And where else would you have a George Bush for president? Only here in WASP country.
2. The transformation - grassroots organizers, poor black kids in Chicago, the White House - we are transformed by the way the campaign is being run: the hope, the image, the opportunity.
3. The direction & attitude from the White House - I really believe that Obama's approach is one that works, for our country and internationally. I served as an AmeriCorps member for two years and an AmeriCorps VISTA for one, so I have some experience with community organizing. Done well, I think it's the only way for democracy to truly work.
4. The expectations - as a result of this election, there are more registered voters than ever before (probably true of every election, but dramatically more this time). Also, there's less skepticism about voting mattering at all; instead there is the sense of a greater impact with even a single vote, as well as smaller, typically non-battleground states mattering more. As a result, voters and states overall have a justified expectation that more value is being placed on them - suddenly no one feels taken for granted.

I'm sure there are more...these are just off the top of my head for now.

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