Thursday, December 13, 2007

Renaissance Faire weekend

The first full weekend in November is always the Renaissance Faire in Las Cruces, which is about a 2 hour drive from Silver City. Adam and I met and became friends because of the fact that we are both medieval/renaissance geeks, so finding a way to indulge in our anachronistic tendencies for a day or two is a high point of our year. Seeing as the first weekend in November is always relatively close to November 2, my birthday, this is how we celebrate my birthday. This year we decided to get a hotel "suite" for the night so we could have a little space, Simon could go to bed, and we could still stay up & revel in the free HBO. My dear friend Tyler, who isn't quite as anachronistically geeky as we are but still likes to join in for a bit of the fun, came on Saturday but had to head back to Silver after one day. Here are a smattering of photos from the weekend, and Simon's blog has a few more at
Our medieval family.

Tyler & me in full garb

Tyler & Simon & I take a break from the sun.

Medieval Simon & Daddy
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