Thursday, November 13, 2008

Go East, Young Woman!

I get stuck in routines that I think serve me nicely...and eventually realize that I'm going stir-crazy & desperately need something to change.

I've decided (a few months early) to make some resolutions. Well, one for now anyway.
  1. I resolve to learn new things.
My first challenge is with an eastern focus. I started taking belly dancing classes two weeks ago. It's hard! But it's great for my body, I love the music of the middle and far east, and I'm meeting some great women. I also love the instructor, Laura, who is a friend of mine from about 7 years ago. If anyone reading this is in the GR area and interested in dance or yoga, check out the Armenta Studio. You'll love it!

The second challenge is to begin learning Hindi. My pragmatic, realist self thinks I'm nuts. But I've been fascinated with India (specifically) for several years and find the language to be incredibly beautiful - written and spoken! I'm still looking for practical applications for this challenge. I might consider sponsoring a child from India (through Children International or something) as one. Perhaps an older child, and I can practice writing to him or her. I'm also making plans to spend the summer of 2028 in India. I think it's realistic to expect that twenty years from now I might be comfortable enough with the language to converse with the locals, be able to afford the time and cost of the adventure, and LOVE having a memorable vacation with my husband of 27 years. But tonight I took the first step - I bought "Teach Yourself Hindi" - a complete kit with a book & two CDs.

Good-bye, ruts!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes I Can!

My favorite moment of the day so far:

I was so nervous I'd make a stray mark...I had my baby in my left arm but tried to hold the ballot with my left hand anyway. Anson kept grabbing the sides of the little booth and trying to suck on it. I lowered my pen to fill the oval and felt my stomach simultaneously rise to my throat and sink to my gut - what butterflies! I've never, ever felt so excited & terrified about an election.

Please, God. Please, God. Please, God. Please, God. Please, God. Please God. Please.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Aahck! I Can't Take It Anymore!

It's just too much. All of it. I'm SO excited and hopeful and terrified and anxious...not only for the election TOMORROW but also because we're scheduled to close on our house this week! Bah! I'm so overwhelmed with the intensity of emotions & impacts of events that I pretty much have to try to avoid anything & everyone - just to stay in my little bubble of deliberate semi-denial. Just enough denial to stay sane...but to be honest, it's not at all working. I can't function! I'm just waiting for two of the biggest things in my current life to culminate this week. And the sheer stress of the "what if?" is killing me!

But I'll just expect that by tomorrow night we'll be certain of an Obama presidency and by Friday we'll have money in the bank and no more financial ties to New Mexico.

And I'll pray for it.