Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Shamanic Son

When Simon says his name it sounds like he says "shah-mon." I love this. He tells me over & over that he's a shaman.

According to Wikipedia, shamans are
"people who have a strong interest in their surrounding environment and the society of which they are a part."
Simon is VERY interested in his surrounding environment and society. Also,
a "shaman" being the Turkic-Tungus word for such a practitioner and literally meaning "he who knows."
I'm regularly stunned by all he knows. Again:
One of the most significant and relevant qualities that separate a shaman from other spiritual leaders is their communications with the supernatural world.

I have no doubt that my kiddo is in regular communication with some one(s) in the spiritual realm. He speaks a language that someone understands, and I think he gets regular answers. Finally:

Often the shaman has, or acquires, one or more familiar helping entities in the spirit world; these are often spirits in animal form, spirits of healing plants, or (sometimes) those of departed shamans.

I wonder if my cat doesn't have a spiritual counterpart that helps Simon. Those two have a special bond.

I genuinely don't mean to trivialize shamanism...actually, as I skimmed the article there was a lot that stood out to be true. I have long ago learned to seek truth wherever it may be found, and not limit it to one culture or religion or denomination or government.

And I supposed Simon could have some shamanic capabilities. I've heard lots of people say that small children are more closely connected to the Divine than any of us for a few reasons:
  1. they only recently joined this earthly life and may have some memory of being a spirit in the company of the Divine previously
  2. they don't have all the "baggage" from living in this world yet
  3. they are open - deeply open - and accepting of things adults might explain away or ignore
There are probably an abundance of other reasons, but I don't need to over analyze. For now, I'll just be sure to listen to my little "Shah-mon."

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