Thursday, January 24, 2008

In-House Project

Some of our house-improvement-in-order-to-sell-it projects are ones that we can do ourselves. The fireplace tile job wasn't great, but it was too scary to tear it all out (what might we find behind it?) and it got pricier that way materials & time. But Adam decided to scrape out the grout (or grout-substitute substances, as the case in fact was) and re-grout it to be a nice even color. I should have taken a close-up "before" photo...but the grout was pink, half-there, and some of the holes were filled with caulk. Some of the holes were just holes.

Vacuuming up the grout-substance rubble
Beginning to grout. The color we chose is called "ivory" - aka "bland enough to blend with all the various tile colors and still not draw any attention to itself." Perfect!
Done grouting, about to start cleaning
Same *ahem* creative array of mellow grout
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Tyler Connoley said...

I've always liked your crazy-quilt tile, although I understand why you didn't. The new grout is tres manifique.

Anonymous said...

looking good!