Thursday, May 31, 2007

Happy Day

Happy 35th Anniversary to my parents - Liz & Gerry Rozeboom. This photo is from February when they came to visit, sing at Simon's baptism, and help us do a complete makeover on our den/guest room/office. Today, in 1972, these two tied the knot up in Grand Rapids, MI.

Maybe it sounds corny or trite, but I have to say that these are some truly amazing people. I have never for a minute doubted that they were completely in love with and committed to each other. I have never had to pause and question whether or not their faith in God was sincere. Everything about who they are and how they live is a testimony to the love that is possible between two people - a love that comes from God and flows out through people, a love that transforms strangers into a family of depth, trust, faith & love.

In a nation with a divorce rate of over 40% (statistics vary...?) I think it's amazing that for 35 years, three children & three grandchildren (so far!) they have never wavered in their commitment to each other and their marriage. Thanks, mom & dad, and Congrats!
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