Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day, Observed

Do you ever have those self-reflective moments when you realize that you're a responsible adult? Sometimes it's easy for me to forget these things.

I have a few close friends who are single, and every now & then (depending on the conversation) I am blatantly reminded of how completely different our lives are. Being married (5 1/2 years), owning a home (paying mortgage), and having a child (1 1/2 already!) are sometimes simply a list of facts about me, and sometimes a shocking reality. I'm not just the same Bethany I was when I was 20 and single, only with a guy in my bed, a kid in the next room, and a home. These things have changed me, my perspective, my values, my priorities.

How did I get here?

And tonight was another one of those self-reflective moments. My husband & I were discussing when we might want to start trying for a second child, when to start sending Simon to school (or the toddler program at the local Montessori school), and various other details about our future careers, education, moves, and other adult "conquests." I paused & looked at him.

Do you realize what we're talking about?

But then we went & played frisbee in a park & ate ice cream like any other kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting this!

How are you? Have you heard from Chicago? What program are you planning on studying?

have a great one
