Wednesday, August 29, 2007

If You Give a Kid a Laxative, Don't Let Him Sleep In (TMI warning!)

I should have seen it coming. I could have expected it and been prepared, or even prevented some of it. But no...I got hit full on because I didn't think it through.

Poop. Everywhere.

The pediatric nurse practitioner suggested that we continue to give Simon the Mira-lax till he effectively gets diarrhea. We gave it to him again yesterday, after he'd successfully pooped a few times. Because it's a powder laxative that goes in his drink, he only gets it when he drinks. He didn't drink much early in the day, so he effectively got a double dose at dinner. He didn't fall asleep till after 9pm, and we checked his diaper a few times right up until we heard him finally quiet down - no poop.

But this morning, I got up & got ready. I heard him talking in his crib, but he wasn't fussing so I took a few minutes to get dressed, put in my contacts & go to the bathroom. When I went in his room I was met with poop.

Simon was standing at the edge of the crib, poop covering him effectively shoulders to toes. It was all over the bed: sheets, crib rails, mattress pad. I stripped him down, gave him a quick "rinse off the poop" bath, dumped that water and gave him a clean bath. I called a friend to come hang out w/ Simon while I washed the bed, his pj's, diaper, everything. I had to take his sheet & mattress pad out to the curb & hose them off. For a moment I wished we used disposable diapers...I almost just threw the whole cloth diaper & everything away. But I didn't. I had to plunge & scrub the diaper in parts, and it took several flushes of the toilet to rinse it all away.

And then I didn't have enough laundry soap, so I had to stop & wash my hands, scoop up Simon & run to the Co-op to buy more laundry soap so I could finish washing everything.

It calls to mind images of so many movie scenes about the "tipping point" moments that make you pull your hair out as a mom. But I couldn't really get to that point, because I feel like I caused it. I gave the kid the laxative, put him to bed, and didn't get him up the first moment I heard him talking. Coulda, shoulda, didn't. Next time?

I have to say that Simon had more energy today than I've seen in a while. He weighs a few pounds less now, I think. And certainly his belly/guts feel better.

But it was probably the most disgusting thing I have ever - ever - experienced in my life.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. It sounds awful-I can't imagine..... K has only had regular "blowouts" when the poop squishes out the sides and that is horrible enough. I would've had to fight temptation to leave him there and call in the dad-from work..... especially now, cause I would've added vomit to the mix! Glad you got thru it!

Melissa said...

That's pretty funny that Simon wasn't grossed out at all by his state of being...He was just a talkin' in there. Funny little man.