Friday, June 22, 2007

My Classic Butt

I am inexorably drawn to vehicles with bumper stickers. Especially the vehicles with an excessive amount of them - like to the point where you wonder how they even see out of their rear window at all, because the bumper alone was tragically insufficient to hold them all. I like to read all the stickers and try to see what I learn about a person from them. I'm also intrigued by those vehicles with just one well-placed sticker. Bumper stickers seem to be a bit like tattoos - you either have none, or you're always adding more.

My dad taught me not to put stickers on my car. And there are so many good reasons not to. But I can't resist. Which is also why I have two tattoos & have been metaphorically shaky with ink-addiction for 5+ years now.

These are the stickers on the back end of my Chevy Classic. Mostly they are either magnets or stuck to the inside of the window with a little tape, therefore easily removable. What can you learn about me?

And I have to say that I experienced a smidgen of bliss today. There was a mini-van behind me at a red light; a man driving and his 10-year old son as passenger. I noticed them in my rear-view mirror, and proceeded to watch them with much amusement. They were intently reading my stickers. At one point, they inched the van forward a little - just a bit closer - both craning their necks & mouthing the words as they read. I think they were having trouble with the dark portal - it's not as easy to read from a distance, I'd expect.

The light changed to green, so I proceeded, although I felt a little sad. I wanted them to be able to finish reading, but I couldn't sit there in a traffic lane. We didn't go far, and hit another red light. The van inched closer again. Both "boys" were mouthing the words again, trying to read the rest of it. And just before the light turned to green, I saw them both break out into smiles & chuckles, the elder of the two shaking his head a bit.

Now that's exactly why I have stickers. Well, that one anyway. :)
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